
Green Hydrogen is a Catalyst for the Decarbonization of Industry and Mobility Applications


Among the various pathways, the use of green hydrogen has emerged as a key player in promoting sustainable practices, such as significant reduction of carbon emissions in various sectors. This article explores the role of green hydrogen in driving the decarbonization of industries and mobility, and highlights its potential to revolutionize energy landscapes.

Decarbonization of Industries:

Industries are major contributors to global carbon emissions, making their transition to cleaner energy sources crucial for achieving environmental goals. Green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis using renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, offers a carbon-neutral alternative to conventional industrial processes that rely on fossil fuels. By substituting carbon-intensive fuels with hydrogen in manufacturing processes, such as steel production or chemical synthesis, industries can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. The versatility of green hydrogen ranges from providing high-temperature heat for energy-intensive industrial processes to serving as a feedstock for chemical or fertilizer production, further cementing its role as a cornerstone in the decarbonization of industries.

Green Hydrogen in Mobility:

The transportation sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating a shift towards sustainable power alternatives. Green hydrogen used in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) offers a clean and efficient solution, especially for heavy-duty mobility such as trucks, buses, trains and even shipping. FCVs powered by green hydrogen offer longer energy ranges and shorter refueling times compared to traditional battery electric vehicles, addressing the practical concerns associated with electric mobility.

In addition to the actual consumer advantages of FCEVs over BEVs, the ability to store and distribute hydrogen enables zero carbon mobility in areas where electric grid capacity is reduced or non-existent.

Infrastructure Challenges and Technological Advances:

While the potential of green hydrogen is vast, challenges remain in terms of infrastructure development and cost effectiveness. Significant investment and coordinated efforts are required to establish a robust green hydrogen production and distribution network.  Technological advances and economies of scale are essential to reduce the costs associated with green hydrogen production and make it more competitive with conventional energy sources.

More and more players are  becoming involved in the game, enabling the required network to develop at a rapid pace In addition, regulatory incentives and directives (f.e. AFIR) are forcing the mobility sector to overcome this lack of infrastructure in the near future.

Policy Framework and Global Collaboration:

As mentioned above, government policies play a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of green hydrogen technologies. Supportive regulatory frameworks, financial incentives and international collaborations are essential to create an environment conducive to the widespread deployment of green hydrogen solutions. By fostering a global network of cooperation, nations can share expertise, resources, and best practices to collectively support and drive the transition towards a decarbonized future.


In the decarbonization of industries and mobility, the use of green hydrogen is a transformative force. Its versatility positions green hydrogen as a key enabler for achieving sustainability goals, when combined with technological advances and supportive policies. The potential to mitigate climate change and usher in a new era of eco-friendly and renewable practices is becoming more tangible and industries and the mobility sector increasingly embrace this clean energy carrier. To ensure a sustainable, low-carbon emission future for generations to come, it is imperative that stakeholders collaborate and invest in scaling up the green hydrogen technologies.

At Hy5, we are actively pursuing the decarbonization of industrial and mobility applications by developing smart and cost-effective integrated solutions in close collaboration with our business partners.